First, an apology - Corey of Seas Will Rise sent me the info for this album over a year ago during the site's inception, and in the haze of beer and pain pills post-surgery I completely forgot about that. I feel like a fucking asshole and bestow 666 pardons for my infraction. Okay, enough with the sentimental shit, better late than never…here's my review of Disease is Our Refrain.
I imagine there is a discussion going on somewhere among some people regarding where exactly Seas Will Rise fits in the Metal Classification System(™) of genres. I was never one for those types of discussions because it's like arguing with an Alzheimer's patient about where he or she last took a piss (hint: inside of a piece of clothing). Admittedly their style is a bit outside of my comfort zone. I tend towards death, doom and stoner, and I can safely say this is not any of those. Some of the other reviews I've read of the album put it in the hardcore/D-beat/crust/punk/namedropping genre. To keep from stepping on toes or hurting some fact-checker's feelings, I'll shy away from that discussion and just tell you this: somewhere on my highly-chiseled metal body, there has been an itch that has not been scratched during all my metal years, and Seas Will Rise scratches that itch raw and bloody.

Although the apparent lack of focus on one specific style (again, drinking may have something to do with this observation) ends up with the band not really establishing an identity with this disc alone, I feel like the band could go in any number of directions from here and continue to be successful. I even dig the slow intro that starts off the closer, "In Warmer Graves", and could see an entire song being done that way. I'm really interested and excited to see what the band comes up with next.
If you're a fan of hardcore, you might enjoy this. Fuck if I know. What I do know is that if you like music dirty, fast, and to the point, if you're a fan of heavy music from Arizona, or if you're a fan of things that rise (such as seas or erections), then you will find something to like about this album. Give it a spin or two then let the guys in the band know what you think over at their Facebook page.
Horns and beers up!
Grade: 7/10
Our native Abita brewery has released a new seasonal beer this year, Abita Spring IPA. I'm surprised that they decided to add a new IPA to the mix, considering its other IPA, Jockamo, has been around for some time and is available year-round. Jockamo is no introductory IPA, however; it has a very distinct taste that can be off-putting and is a love/hate thing. Because of this, I assumed Spring IPA to likely be a weaker counterpart to get less refined tastebuds of other Abita drinkers into the IPA mix, and sadly I was correct.
Overall if you're just starting to flex your taste buds in the non-piss direction, this could be a good introduction for your tongue to the glory of the hop, but those of us who have ridden hops like the village bicycle will find it to be just another lousy lay.
Grade: 4/10
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